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He is also capable of 36 transformations as compared to Sun Wukong's 72 , and can travel on clouds, but not as fast as Sun. Sha eventually becomes an at the end of the journey, giving him a higher level of exaltation than Zhu Bajie, who is relegated to cleaning every altar at every Buddhist temple for eternity, but lower spiritually than Sun Wukong or Tang Sanzang, who are granted. I think it's only once Tang decides to find the Monkey King that the film really starts and it's off to the races from there. A reliable fighter, he is characterised by his insatiable appetites for food and women, and is constantly looking for a way out of his duties, which causes significant conflict with Sun Wukong.

This job is a very low position, and when he realises that he was given a low position and not considered a full-fledged god, he becomes very angry. Enduringly popular, the tale is at once a comic adventure story, a humorous of Chinese bureaucracy, a spring of spiritual insight, and an extended in which the group of pilgrims journeys towards enlightenment by the power and virtue of cooperation.

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Based on the actual pilgrimage of the monk Xuanzang to India in the Tang Dynasty 618-907the story had already become a favorite of the Chinese people when Wu Cheng'en shaped it into a romantic novel which describes the Monkey King, also known as Sun Wukong, and his entourage protecting Xuanzang against that is all kinds of demons on an adventurous ttv westward. When I think of this 'Journey to the West', the one johrney that comes to my mind is the countless versions and numerous portrayals. What makes this 1986 version so good? Out of all the versions that I have looked over, none have captured the essence of the series like this one has. The story basically revolves around three disciples; Sun Wukong - Hailed the monkey king who wrecked heaven and the possessor of 72 mystical powers. Zhu Bajie - A half human, half pig immortal who was punished for trying to harass the goddess of the moon haha he possessed 36 mystical powers. Wùjìng - who was originally an immortal but was punished by heaven and reincarnated into a demon, he possesses 18 mystical powers. Their duty is to protect a mortal monk named Xuanzang from demons who wish to devour him in order to gain immortality because he is serids, demons trick him in various ways and thus misunderstandings arises between the disciples Xuangzang. The portrayal of the characters are torrent believable and fun to watch due to the excellent acting. Another thing that differentiates this version from the others is the costume. This may not seem like a big deal but having to look at a third rate costume that barely resembles the characters and bad makeup is very unappealing to watch and this is the main reason why many other versions are not very good. Overall, I would definitely recommend this series if you are interested or is a fan of the novel but have yet to see this version. I will note that the editing of the magic etc is not that great because it was made in 1986 but that is nothing to be put off by.

Journey to the West ep.05 Master and Disciple happily united《西游记》第5集 猴王保唐僧(主演:六小龄童、迟重瑞)
However, his eyes become weak to smoke , makes Sun Wukong the strongest member of the pilgrimage by far. Xuanzang died on 7 March 664. The rest of the story describes how they vanquish demons and monsters, tramp over the Fiery Mountain, cross the Milky Way, and after overcoming many dangers, finally arrive at their destination - the Thunder Monastery in the Western Heaven - and find the Sutra. History of Religions 22, no. You don't typically expect a movie this goofy to end on such a serious note, so this is a welcome change of pace.

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